Striped Miatas Online

Let's face - if someone has gone to the trouble of putting stripes on their car, they want to show it off. Well, here are all the striped Miatas that are currently online. If you know of any others or if any of the following links don't work, please contact me and let me know. A number of these cars are also found in Kevin Morrison's Miatas of the Net, along with a whole lot more.

Still can't decide what you like best? I think you need to visit The Stripe Machine. Java required.

If you want to stripe your Miata, you can either get it done by a auto trim shop, or do it yourself. Hyperstripes wants to help you out with a variety of colours and types, instructional videos, and expert knowledge. I don't sell stripes. I just like how they look. Paul Williamson has a series of photos of his 99 getting vinyl stripes, but they kind of skip over the hardest parts. Rides Restored has a series of photos of Robb Kemper's Emerald Green 99 getting painted stripes - very interesting!

New! Dan Pedroza (once of MRoad) has provided a very good description of how to stripe a Miata. All you'll ever need - but you do have to decide what toppings to put on those pizzas. A big thanks to Dan for this! TexasMiata took a series of photographs while striping his with vinyl, and they make a good set.

Group photos!

Note: There seems to be a greater variety of styles being used on the 99s. Why? Who knows. They're almost all very creative jobs.








Not Quite Stripes

Once you know what colour you want, there are several sources of materials. You've seen the Mazda ones, available from your local dealer. You can also get a local auto trim shop to either supply you with the materials or do the job themselves.
Keith Tanner
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