Our web design has been a big hit. We're growing, though - so
we have to add some subcategories to keep the way cool look.
What's where here:
- Club Dossier:
- Meet the UMN:
- Our story so far.
- Contact Us:
- An online address book for the UMN
- Past Minutes:
- Who said what, who took offence, and who threw
the first piece of food
- What's Up:
- Special Events:
- What's coming from the Committee of Good Times
- Meetings:
- Don't be scared. Come out and meet us.
- Miata Goodies
- Mug Shots:
- Peektures! This is what we look like. Well,
mostly what our cars look like.
- DIY:
- Our little instruction manual on Miata stuff
- Miata Links
- Other cool stuff online, including other clubs,
Miata.net, and aftermarket types.