
"I always wanted a Miata ever since I saw the 1990 models. I thought that they were the coolest looking car that anybody could have and I didn't care how weak the motor was, I wanted one. I finally got a silver 1991 model about 9 months ago. I got on the Internet and found a whole lot of cool accessories and things that I could add to mine so I decided to make it look good. I decided to paint it Guards Red (Porsche Red) and put black stripes on it. I still have to get the bottom front of the car finished (he ran out of tape). The stripes are: large stripe-6.5", small pinstripe-1/2", gap between large stripes-2", gap between large stripe and small pinstripe-3/4". I had a hard time choosing between silver or black stripes."

-Matt Gould

Now, the photos.

For more striped Miatas, head to the photo albums

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